2014 TORO ELECTRIC HOSE KIT for Multi Pro 1750 Turf Sprayer. Model 41211 serial 3140000 Go to the page below to see all that is in the kit! ((((((( https://lookup3.toro.com/partdex/index.cfm?xCaller=Toro&lang=us_en ))))) BRAND NEW OLD STOCK AS IS,NO WARRANTY, ((((( PRICED CHEAP.))))) LOCAL PICK UP PREFERRED, THEN THE BUYER CAN INSPECT BEFORE BUYING. YOUR SHIPPING NEEDS. Go to USHIP.COM. PLEASE NOTE: I DO NOT BOOK SHIPPING FOR BUYERS, SO, I DO NOT GET ANY TRUCK SHIPPING DISCOUNTS. PRICED CHEAP. Mathewsturfequipment.com Priced shipped out of NC with Shipping Bill of Laden, If Pick up in NC add 7% NC Sales Tax I do not answer text, Fill Free to call, If I don't answer Please Leave a message. GOD Bless,Tim Mathews Turf Equipment Hickory,NC 28601 Tim Mathews 828-256-4000 Shop 828-310-2897 Mobile
1133 Peggy St.
Hickory, NC 28601